
梁浩 Liang Hao|“替身”@和美术馆 He Art Museum


梁浩 Liang Hao

Doubled Bifurcation



He Art Museum, Foshan, Guangdong






BANK is pleased to announce Liang Hao's solo exhibition "Doubled Bifurcation" at He Art Museum from December 19, 2023, marking the artist's first solo museum exhibition.

The gestures that keep recurring in Liang Hao's paintings make it difficult for us to recognize the emotions and motives of the figures. Although the scenes are placed in a modular structure and industrial lighting, the absence of context eradicates the meanings and makes them obscure. This is probably a mockery of the reality that constantly alienating us.

However, don't forget that there are other gestures in his paintings. They are more symbolic and mobilized by emotion, being staged on the covers of the books, or on the pages that are flipped by hands. Tips of the fingers are pointing towards an imaginary reality, the gypsy soothsayer in Caravaggio's painting; the boy bitten by a lizard or a fragment of an ancient Greek sculpture.

One gesture is nested within another. By referencing distant works, Liang Hao's images differ from the recursive self-referentiality found in art history. Instead, he prefers to play with the dialectical relationships between images emotional and restrained, meaningful and meaningless, active and suspended, narrative and non-narrative classic and contemporary. In the end, there is no longer a unitary mirror image in his works. The reflections in the paintings become a stimulus of interruption, substitution and multiplicity in the space he creates on canvas.

Text/You Yiyi


Installation View


 Photo by Hubert Wang. Image courtesy of He Art Museum

 关于艺术家 About the Artist 

梁浩 Liang Hao

梁浩的近期个展包括:“替身”和美术馆,广东,(2023);“高手”BANK画廊,上海,(2023);“重现” ⽟兰堂,北京,(2022);“时间的褶皱” 10号赞善⾥画廊,⾹港,(2020);“⼀种⽬光” ⽟兰堂,上海,(2019);“映像与猎场” ⽟兰堂,北京,(2017)。他的作品亦在不同机构参与展出,其中包括纽约 Art OMI艺术中⼼、韩国Daechumoo Fine Art、上海⺠⽣现代美术馆、北京今⽇美术馆、冰岛Offshore Project Space、北京中央美术学院美术馆。他曾参加美国纽约Art OMI(2016年)和冰岛塞济斯菲厄泽Island Iceland Offshore Project(2015年)的艺术家驻地项⽬,并于2018年和2016年⼊围“约翰‧莫尔绘画奖”。
Liang Hao (b. 1988, Guangdong Province) currently lives and works in Shanghai. He graduated from the Painting Department of the Academy of Arts and Design at Tsinghua University, Beijing, in 2012. His practice focuses on painting while extending to other media. He is interested in the dynamics between the hand, gaze and mind, reconsidering the technicality of the hand and the affects that flow through it by constructing illusions of technical production and making references to images in art history or texts. 
His recent solo exhibitions include: Doubled Bifurcation (He Art Museum, Guangdong, 2023); Gesture and Speech (BANK, Shanghai, 2023); Present, Again (Line Gallery, Beijing, 2022); Unfolding into the Expanse (10 Chancery Lane Gallery, Hong Kong, 2020); A Kind of Gaze (Line Gallery, Shanghai, 2019); Image and Hunting Ground (Line Gallery, Beijing, 2017). His work has been exhibited in worldwide institutions that include: Art OMI, New York; Daechumoo Fine Art, Korea; MinSheng Art Museum, Shanghai; Today Art Museum, Beijing; Offshore Project Space, Iceland; CAFA Art Museum, Beijing. His past artist residencies include: Art OMI International Artist Residency (New York, 2016); Island Iceland Offshore Project (Seydisfjordur, 2015). His award nominations include: John Moores Painting Prize (2018,2016).



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 - 正在展出 Current Exhibition - 

BANK 10th Anniversary Show

《生日派对!》Birthday Party!

展览时间/Duration: 2023.11.10-2024.01.10

No.2 Lane 298 An Fu Road, Shanghai

🔗 十周年庆生会回顾 Recap of BANK's 10th Birthday Party


